Blog Post - WordPress, Why I don't Like It

Why I Hate WordPress

Simply Put - Security

Optimization, Security, CSS Hacks

Even with "easy to use" "theme builder", building a site that is pretty is one thing, building one that is optimized AND secure is quite the another.

Top 5 things I hate: 1 - Hypocrites & Hypocrites who call others hypocrites, 2 - Lack of respect / Disrespect for authority, 3 - Not taking personal responsibility, 4 - Socialism of human rights (take away 1 groups rights to give to another’s), 5 - Wordpress

Don’t worry, this is not another political rant – believe it or not. It is simply a post to explain why I don’t like WordPress and why I do not use it as a first tool of choice. If you were to Google “why WordPress is a bad idea”, there are a handful of articles written from a developer perspective – mostly complaining of “bloated code”. My perspective is from that of a visual designer. With WordPress, my limited experience with certain “WordPress theme builders” tells me “css hacks” must be used to make this disappear, or to make all columns equal, or other minor design elements.

There are other theme builders out there that may be of interest for comparison purposes, but have not yet used them. However, general feedback seems to be positive. Regardless, even in WordPress, building a site that is pretty may or may not be easy enough, but building a site that has been optimized (page speed and on-page SEO) AND secured properly – especially in WordPress is a whole other matter. There are so many different plugins needed to do implement these items properly and if the right plugin is not chosen (they do not get along with other plugins or the current version of WordPress or the host for that matter, the site breaks. Then you have backups to content with and what if you want to move to another server?

With my desktop software, I can place any object anywhere on the page with pixle perfect accuracy across modern browsers and devices (desktop, tablet, mobile phone) based on breakpoint. Or I can use a liquid grid system that makes the site responsive (mobile friendly). In most cases, I can re-create a design that is very close to your favorite theme or design from a WordPress (or other CMS) website. Furthermore, with the use of a desktop design software, this solves 2 issues: a – how to back up the website easily and securely, and b – how to keep the website secure from hackers who wish to add malware to the server, change the content on the website, and / or hide / redirect the website somewhere else entirely.

If you already have a WordPress website, and are looking for me to maintain it for you, I can provide resources to ensure all is working as it should. First, we have to make sure on-page seo items, page speed and security is in place. Then depending on the theme / builder used to build the website, I am able to maintain it.

However, if you are looking for a complete redesign / rebuild of your website, I would highly recommend moving away from WordPress (or any other free-self-hosted web-based website builder) even if you are wishing to maintain it yourself. If you have not yet seen WordPress, you will find a learning curve. And if you are go through the learning curve of a new software, you minus well learn a software that not only will be more user friendly but takes the security issues of a web-based cms out of the picture.

With all of that being said, if you ask me – you have more important things to worry about than learning new web design software, like running your business. Let me do what I do best – freeing you to do what you do best. 

Closing tip – when choosing a web-based tool to build your site, choose wisely – choose wisely.

Rob Shurtleff
The Website Guy