Blog Post - Blog Post Ideas - Keep Your Content Fresh

Blog Post Ideas

...for Content Marketing & Link Building

Good for Google, Good for Traffic

Content is king. Make it inspirational, memorable, educational, and relevant to your target market.

If you have read through my blog you have probably noticed that I am not as active as I aspire to be - (partially due to completion of client websites) but even I must not forget to practice what I preach - content marketing. For my first post this year I did not want to do the typical “web design trends” post everyone else does and so I have kept a list of things I’ve wanted to write about and have chosen none other than “blog post ideas” aimed at helping you become a better “content marketer”. More on what content marketing is in another post.

In web design, content is king and relevant link building is critical. A blog is a great way to solve both issues. Here is how it is done. Step 1 - write great content. Step 2 - post it so various social media sites. But where does great content come from? A few years back wrote a post giving 50 ideas for blog posts and I must say, they’re pretty good. We’ll talk about just a few of them below but you can read the full post here -

Mention a popular post - that is essentially what this post is. Find a post that you find useful and would in turn be useful to your target market it, then state an opinion on it.

Disagree with a popular opinion - while this is good at stirring up attention not all attention is good attention. The last thing you want to do is unintentionally alienate your customers by having a strong opinion about something they would disagree with. Some are not tolerant of others views - the personal unfairly affects business.

Posting a FAQ, tips & tricks, how-to, a review, a video, a podcast or an infographic is always a good idea because it sets the writer up as the subject matter expert.

As part of the content marketing strategy don’t forget about link building. One of the easiest ways to build links to your website is 2 fold: 1 - again, write new content (blog posts) and 2 - post links to those pages on social media (content marketing). You can also post relevant comments (preferably with a link back to your site) on others blog / social media posts (just don’t be spammy about it). In all that you write, be sure to showcase your expertise and passion and relevance. Happy writing.

Stay tuned for additional posts on the subject of content marketing. If you need any help with your blog post ideas, please contact us. We are here for you. #BlogPostIdeas #ContentMarketing #RelevantLinkBuilding

Rob Shurtleff
The Website Guy